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revolt [rɪˋvolt]
1. 反叛;起義;造反[(+against)]
The people revolted against their ruler. 人民起來反叛統治者。
2. 厭惡,反感[(+at/from/against)]
Our whole hearts revolt against the way women have hitherto been treated. 我們對婦女迄今所受的待遇從心底裡感到厭惡。


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stability [stəˋbɪlətɪ] 
n [U]不可數名詞
1. 穩定,穩定性;安定
Political stability is essential to economic prosperity. 政治穩定對經濟繁榮是必要的。
2. 堅定;恆心
a man of stability 堅定的人


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groom [grum] 
n.[C] 可數名詞

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gown [gaʊn] 
n.[C] 可數名詞
1. 女禮服,(婦女穿的)長禮服
The bride made her wedding gown herself. 新娘自己做了結婚禮服。
2. (法官,教士,教師及學生畢業典禮時穿的)禮服;長袍

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